Due to the new customs regulations, from 1/1/2022 it is not possible to ship meat products to the UK.

From 7 to 18 August, no shipments will be made.

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for every taste:

High quality Salame di Felino “Del Nonno” PGI 800 g


769 in stock


Salame di Felino (a little town near Parma)  is a traditional and high quality salami, with a soft and fragrant taste, cured in a natural way without the use of “starter” (treatements to reduce the curing time). Enjoy it on a slice of homemade bread with some butter curls and serve it with  other perfumed cold meats from Parma and the excellent wines from our hills. 

Characteristics:  The Salame of “Felino” (from the name of the little town next to Parma in which it was born) has a cylindrical shape with one end larger than the other one, and a greyish-white surface. Once cut the Salame is  red ruby with white fat parts, without stains. Sweet and delicate taste, delicate aroma.

:  White dry wine like Malvasia, red wine like Lambrusco or Fortana. Conservation: The Salame di “Felino” can be consumed immediately or can be preserved hanged in a fresh storage (with temperatures between 17 and 20°C). Once sliced, the Salame can be stored in the refrigerator, taking care to cover the cut surface with a transparent film or an aluminum sheet ,and wrap the Salame in a cotton cloth moistened with water (better with white wine).
The Salame di “Felino” is so good  because it has a secular tradition : the selected cuts of the pig are ground middle-big, the spices are added how much it is enough and the Salami are seasoned for a correct number of months. In short , the Salame di “Felino” is the old salame in use in the valleys of Parma, with the balanced ratio of lean meat and lard and its unique aroma.

The Felino Salami is produced without food dyes and it’s obtained from the meat of swines of race Large White and Landrace and from the specified breds from the Italian Genealogical Book. The pigs are slaughtered in an excellent state of health . The minimum age of pigs to be slaughtered is nine months and it is excluded the use of boars and sows. The Salami of Felino is prepared with ground lean meats for about 75% and with fat harder parts for the remaining 25%. The meats are mixed with salt, pepper, whole or in pieces, crushed garlic and wine. Subsequently the meats are bagged in a natural gut swine and tied up with the twine. The Salame is made to dry for 4-6 days and then it’s seasoned in premises with enough exchange of air for at least 25 days, to an inclusive temperature among the 12° and the 18°C. The Salami of Felino is a product rich in fat acids unsaturated and poor of preservatives. The Salami of Felino, despite some changes happened in the millennia in the feeding and in the populations of the bred pigs, has maintained his own characteristics both under the profile of composition and in relationship to methodologies of production, drying and seasoning, tightly tied up to the zone of production, Parma and its province.
The Salame di “Felino”  is produced in the province of Parma, characterized by hilly zones and level areas.  The presence of salt mines  in the hills near Parma has developed the technique of salting pork since 1300 . The union of the butchery’s art with the salting’s art of Salsomaggiore has created  a known meat to national and international level.

Shipping Rates

We ship all over the world within 3/4 days thanks to UPS and DHL couriers.

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